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Literature Review: 1998 Women's and Men's Health Survey

This documents lists journal articles that use data from the Fund's 1998 Women's and Men's Health Survey. The articles are listed in reverse chronological order.

K. Donelan, M. Falik, and C. DesRoches, Caregiving: Challenges and Implications for Women's Health, Women's Health Issues May/June 2001 11(3):185–200.

A. MacLaren and N.F. Woods, Midlife Women Making Hormone Therapy Decisions, Women's Health Issues May/June 2001 11(3):216–30.

H. Mead, K. Witkowski, B. Gault, and H. Hartmann, The Influence of Income, Education and Work Status on Women's Well Being, Women's Health Issues May/June 2001 11(3):160–72.

S.B. Plichta and M. Falik, Prevalence of Violence and its Implications for Women's Health, Women's Health Issues May/June 2001 11(3):244–58.

C.D. Sherbourne, M.Dwight-Johnson, and R. Klap, Psychological Distress, Unmet Need and Barriers to Mental Health Care for Women, Women's Health Issues May/June 2001 11(3):231–43.

C.S. Weisman and J.T. Henderson, Managed Care and Women's Health: Access, Preventive Services and Satisfaction, Women's Health Issues May/June 2001 11(3):201–15.

R. Wyn and B. Solis, Women's Health Issues Across the Lifespan, Women's Health Issues May/June 2001 11(3):148–59.

P. Sarigiani, L. Ryan, and A. Petersen, Prevention of High-Risk Behaviors in Adolescent Women, Journal of Adolescent Health August 1999 25(2):109–19.

The Commonwealth Fund 1998 Survey of Women's Health, Women's Health Issues January/February 2000 10(1):35–8.

August 2004

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