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Newsletter Article


2010-11 Australian American Health Policy Fellowship

On behalf of the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing, The Commonwealth Fund is pleased to announce the 2010–11 Australian-American Health Policy Fellowship. The deadline for receipt of applications is August 15, 2009.

The Australian-American Health Policy Fellowship offers a unique opportunity for outstanding, mid-career U.S. professionals—academics, government officials, clinical leaders, decision makers in managed care and other private health care organizations, and journalists—to spend up to 10 months in Australia conducting research and working with leading Australian health policy experts on issues relevant to both countries. The Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing hopes to enrich health policy thinking as Australian-American Health Policy Fellows study how Australia approaches health policy issues, share lessons learned from the United States, and develop an international perspective and network of contacts to facilitate policy exchange and collaboration that extends beyond the fellowship experience.

The fellowship is structured around mutual areas of interest, for example, health care quality and safety, the private/public mix of insurance and providers, fiscal sustainability of health systems, management of health care delivery, health care workforce, and investment in preventive care strategies. Proposals should address one of the program's areas of interest and clearly demonstrate: the intention to combine research and practical experience; the relevance to both the United States and Australia; achievable outcomes, given the duration of the placement; and the potential to advance policy in Australia and the United States. U.S. Citizenship is a requirement of eligibility.

The Fellowship provides up to $55,000 (AUD) for six to 10 months in Australia. In addition, a supplemental allowance is provided to fellows accompanied by a spouse and/or children.

For further information, please visit For questions, please contact Robin Osborn, The Commonwealth Fund (tel: 212-606-3809; e-mail [email protected]).

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