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2011 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey

Countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States

Survey Organization: Harris Interactive, Inc. and country contractors.

Sample: The survey screened random samples of adults age 18 and older to identify “sicker” adults—those who met at least one of four criteria: rated their health as fair or poor; reported receiving medical care for serious chronic illness, injury, or disability in the past year; or had surgery or had been hospitalized in the past two years.

Sample size: The final study included 18,000 adults, with 1,500 adults in Australia, 3,958 in Canada, 1,001 in France, 1,200 in Germany, 1,000 in the Netherlands, 750 in New Zealand, 753 in Norway, 4,804 in Sweden, 1,500 in Switzerland, 1,001 in the United Kingdom, and 1,200 in the United States.

Interview Method: Telephone

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