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Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Premiums and Deductibles

10-Year Premium and Deductible Trends in Employer-Sponsored Coverage

Hover over states to see premium and deductible rates, and more.


Source: S. R. Collins, D. C. Radley, M. Z. Gunja, and S. Beutel, The Slowdown in Employer Insurance Cost Growth: Why Many Workers Still Feel the Pinch, The Commonwealth Fund, October 2016.

Data: 2006, 2010, 2014, 2015 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey–Insurance Component (for premiums, employee premium contributions, and deductibles); 2006–07, 2010–11, and 2015–16 Current Population Surveys (for median household incomes for under-65 population).

* Single and family premium contributions, deductibles, and combined estimates are weighted for the distribution of single-person and family households in the state. Estimates of median household income used in the denominator for this ratio come from the Current Population Survey (CPS), which revised its income questions in 2013. The denominator in our ratio estimates prior to 2014 is derived from the traditional CPS income questions, while ratio estimates from 2014 are derived from the revised income questions. Household incomes are averaged over two years and have been adjusted for the likelihood that people in a residence purchase health insurance together. 

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