"My project addressed the question of Maori-Pakeha health disparities and whether treaty settlements can reverse the impacts of racism. I was based at the Maori Health Branch in the Ministry of Health, where I learned about current Maori health policy initiatives, participated in the strategic planning of the branch, and analyzed data from the national health data. I was seconded to the Waitangi Tribunal, where I observed three treaty claims hearings, and was also seconded to the Ministry of Maori Development, where I learned how efforts to improve Maori health were integrated into larger strategies of Maori development. I spoke widely at government, university, and public forums presenting a framework for understanding the impacts of racism on health. I was also interviewed by Te Atiawa radio and articles on my project, and appeared in the Evening Post, Evening Herald, and Tu Mai Magazine, and in the newsletters In Health, Waitangi Tribunal, and Fulbright. The wide dissemination of my work contributed to a renewed discussion of racism and illuminated the need for full partnership between Maori and the New Zealand government. Inspired by Maori development efforts, I submitted a proposal to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that couples anti-racism strategies for community empowerment with innovative approaches for delivering primary care to defined geographic populations. I will share my findings and experiences in my course "Race" and Racism at the Harvard School of Public Health, at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, and at other public fora. My Axford Fellowship was an enriching experience, providing the opportunity to realize the power of my ideas."[email protected]
Camara Jones
Research Director on Social Determinants Center for Disease Control & Prevention Department of Epidemiology Harvard University School of Public Health