The Commonwealth Fund is focused on our health system’s most pressing issues. We engage in and support survey research, policy and data analysis, and international comparisons to promote a thriving, successful health care system in the United States.
Featured Topics

Delivery System Reform
We seek out, study, and promote innovative policies and practices that will improve quality of care, advance equity, and increase affordability.

Coverage and Access
Timely information on people’s experiences in accessing and affording health care, and research into how public policies affect health insurance coverage and affordability nationally and at the state level.

We study health systems around the world, seek out policy and practice innovations, and compare health system performance among the U.S. and other high-income nations.

Costs and Spending
Our research aims to explain what’s driving high U.S. health care costs and explore promising approaches for addressing their root causes.

Tracking Medicaid expansion, and federal and state Medicaid policy to better understand its impact on coverage, state economies, and budgets.

We study how this crucial program can serve its beneficiaries more equitably, effectively, and efficiently while continuing to promote improvement throughout the health care system.

Health Equity
We track health insurance coverage, affordability, and health outcomes for Black, Latino, Asian, Pacific Islander and Native Americans. We also highlight policies and practices needed to achieve an antiracist health system.

Health Reform
Tracking the ACA’s wide-ranging impacts, especially for people of color, people with low income, and those who are uninsured.

Private Insurance
We use national surveys and federal data to track how well private insurance works for those who have it — including whether it enables them to get the health care they need.