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PBS Newshour Partnership on High-Need High-Cost Populations

Grant Details

Grantee Organization
Greater Washington Educational Telecommunications Association

Principal Investigator
Patti Parson, M.A.

5/1/16 - 6/30/17

Award Amount

Approval Year

Related Program

Grant Details

Grantee Organization
Greater Washington Educational Telecommunications Association

Principal Investigator
Patti Parson, M.A.

5/1/16 - 6/30/17

Award Amount

Approval Year

Related Program

The goal of this media partnership is to highlight for policymakers and the general public the health and economic problems caused by chronic illness and key changes needed to improve outcomes for high-need, high-cost patients. Six NewsHour reports will examine health care delivery and payment models for their successes and failures. Stories that may be covered include a closer look at the Alternative Quality Contract, adopted by Blue Cross Blue Shield in Massachusetts; the development of accountable care organizations; and bundled payments. Final topics and story locations will be chosen closer to the production date to ensure they are as newsworthy as possible.

With more than 1.4 million nightly viewers, the broadcast NewsHour reaches 17 million people monthly. It also has a strong and active online profile and social media presence. Opinion leaders, policymakers, and community leaders will benefit in particular from compelling programming that illuminates a critical issue for the public. Several broadcasts will air during the presidential campaign and in the first 100 days of the new administration.

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