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PSAs to Dispel Misinformation about COVID-19 Vaccination Among Black Americans: Distribution

Grant Details

Grantee Organization
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Principal Investigator
Tina Hoff

3/5/21 - 5/31/21

Award Amount

Approval Year

Related Program
Advancing Health Equity

Health Disparities

Grant Details

Grantee Organization
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Principal Investigator
Tina Hoff

3/5/21 - 5/31/21

Award Amount

Approval Year

Related Program
Advancing Health Equity

Health Disparities

This grant will support two separate dissemination activities for the campaign: 1) Paid digital advertising on social media channels. YouTube is the top priority given its ability to get eyes on the video. However, the Kaiser Family Foundation also will run digital advertising campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Display Network, and others, and some portion of these funds may be used to support those efforts as well. 2) A virtual media tour featuring Dr. Boyd, and potentially Dr. Tuckson and W. Kamau Bell. This will be a series of television and radio interviews targeting cities with the largest Black populations, major media markets such as New York and Los Angeles, national outlets such as broadcast network morning shows, and television and radio shows aimed at Black Americans such as the Tom Joyner Morning Show.