Harkness Project Title: Designing and Implementing Work Environments in Health Care that Support Collaboration and Teamwork
Mentor: Sara J. Singer, Ph.D. (Harvard School of Public Health)
Co-Mentor: Jody Hoffer Gittell, Ph.D. (Brandeis University)
Placement: Harvard School of Public Health
Biography at time of Harkness Fellowship: Beatrice Podtschaske, Ph.D., M.Sc., a 2013-14 German Harkness/B. Braun Stiftung Fellow in Health Care Policy and Practice is currently a postdoctoral research fellow in the department of ergonomics and human factors engineering at the Technische Universität Berlin, where she is also deputy head of department. As a doctoral candidate, Podtschaske worked as a researcher on an array of projects, particularly focused on interdisciplinary collaboration to improve patient care. Her recent grants have focused on innovative projects that range from the use of smartphones for the elderly to designing efficient emergency departments. Podtschaske holds a master’s of science in economics and business administration, and received her Ph.D. in economics from Technische Universität in Germany.
Project: Podtschaske will examine work conditions and organizational attributes in health care providers that best support inter-professional/interdisciplinary collaboration. She will focus particularly the example of “integrated care” in cancer care, where she will analyze the characteristics of effective collaboration. Podtschaske will first conduct a literature review, and identify ~3 provider organizations that provide exemplary cancer care. She will then conduct observational studies and in-depth interviews to identify “best practices” for supporting inter-professional/interdisciplinary collaboration. Where possible, quantitative data analysis will also be conducted at those organizations, including on patient and provider satisfaction.
Career Activity since Fellowship:
- Visiting Instructor, Clinical Excellence Research Center, Stanford University School of Medicine, 2014 – 2016
Current Position: (updated 11/2016)
- Human Factors Engineer / Innovation and Implementation Coach, Center for Advancing Patient Safety (CAPS) Stanford Health Care
Selected Publications: