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Jane Pirkis

2001-02 Harkness Fellow Senior research fellow Centre for Health Program Evaluation The University of Melbourne

Harkness Project Title: Utilization of Counseling Services by Suicidal Adolescents

Mentors: Charles Irwin, Jr., M.D., and Claire Brindis, Dr.P.H.

Placement: University of California San Francisco

Biography at time of Harkness Fellowship: Jane Pirkis, a 2001–02 Commonwealth Fund Harkness Fellow in Health Care Policy, is a senior research fellow in the University of Melbourne’s Centre for Health Program Evaluation. Her research and publications have addressed a broad range of topics related to adolescent and adult mental health and well-being, including access to health care for sub-groups such as people from non-English-speaking backgrounds and suicidal individuals. She has also researched methods for optimizing mental health care delivery and financing, particularly case-mix funding and improving public and private sector partnerships, and has contributed to reviews of mental health policy in Australia, including the National Mental Health Strategy and the National Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy. Pirkis’ previous experience includes work as a project consultant for Shane Solomon and Associates, a consultant research officer at Springvale Community Health Centre, a policy analyst for the National Health Strategy, and a policy analyst/project officer for the New South Wales Department of Heath.

Project: Pirkis examined the utilization of psychological or emotional counseling by suicidal adolescents, with the aim of improving the capacity of health services to screen for and prevent adolescent suicide.  The study was a secondary analysis of data from the household interview component of Wave 1 of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, which examined health-related behaviors of American adolescents in grades 7 through 12 in 1995.  Analysis was restricted to respondents identified as being suicidal based on their responses.


Career Activity Since Fellowship

  • Professor and Director, Centre for Health Policy, Programs and Economics, Melbourne School of Population Health, University of Melbourne, 2009
  • Senior Research Fellowship, National Health and Medical Research Council, 2008
  • Associate Professor,  Program Evaluation Unit, School of Population Health, The University of Melbourne, 2004
  • Early Career Award, School of Population Health, University of Melbourne, for excellence in research achievement, 2004
  • Career Development Award, National Health and Medical Research Council, 2003


Current Position: Professor and Director, Centre for Health Policy, Programs and Economics, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne. (Updated 1/2014)

E-Mail: [email protected]

Selected Publications

Silverman MM, Pirkis JE, Pearson JL, Sherrill JT. Reflections on expertrecommendations for U.S. research priorities in suicide prevention. Am J Prev Med. 2014 Sep;47(3 Suppl 2):S97-101.

Ferrari AJ, Norman RE, Freedman G, Baxter AJ, Pirkis JE, Harris MG, Page A, Carnahan E, Degenhardt L, Vos T, Whiteford HA. The burden attributable to mental  and substance use disorders as risk factors for suicide: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. PLoS One. 2014 Apr 2;9(4):e91936.

Reifels L, Bassilios B, King KE, Fletcher JR, Blashki G, Pirkis JE. Innovations in primary mental healthcare. Aust Health Rev. 2013 Jun;37(3):312-7.

Pirkis JE, Harris MG. Were the budgetary reforms to the Better Access to Mental Health Care initiative appropriate?--yes. Med J Aust. 2011 Jun 6;194(11):594.

Whiteford HA, Buckingham WJ, Harris MG, Burgess PM, Pirkis JE, Barendregt JJ,  Hall WD. Estimating treatment rates for mental disorders in Australia. Aust Health Rev 2013 Dec 6.

Milner A, Spittal MJ, Pirkis J, LaMontagne AD. Suicide by occupation: systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Psychiatry 2013 Dec;203(6):409-16.

Robinson J, Pirkis J. Research priorities in suicide prevention: an examination of Australian-based research 2007?11. Aust Health Rev 2013 Nov 22.

Siskind D, Harris M, Kisely S, Siskind V, Brogan J, Pirkis J, Crompton D, Whiteford H. A Retrospective Quasi-Experimental Study of a Transitional Housing Program for Patients with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness. Community Ment Health J 2013 Oct 23.

King K, Bassilios B, Reifels L, Fletcher J, Ftanou M, Blashki G, Burgess P, Pirkis J. Suicide prevention: evaluation of a pilot intervention in a primary care context. J Ment Health 2013 Oct;22(5):439-48.

Pirkis J, Machlin A. Differing perspectives on what is important in media reporting of suicide. Br J Psychiatry 2013;203:168-9.

Coombs T, Nicholas A, Pirkis J. A review of social inclusion measures. Aust N  Z J Psychiatry 2013 Oct;47(10):906-19.

Olesen SC, Butterworth P, Leach LS, Kelaher M, Pirkis J. Mental health affects future employment as job loss affects mental health: findings from a longitudinal population study. BMC Psychiatry 2013 May 24;13:144.

Reifels L, Bassilios B, King KE, Fletcher JR, Blashki G, Pirkis JE. Innovations in primary mental healthcare. Aust Health Rev 2013 Jun;37(3):312-7.

Siskind D, Harris M, Kisely S, Brogan J, Pirkis J, Crompton D, Whiteford H. A retrospective quasi-experimental study of a community crisis house for patients with severe and persistent mental illness. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2013 Jul;47(7):667-75.

King K, Christo J, Fletcher J, Machlin A, Nicholas A, Pirkis J. The sustainability of an Australian initiative designed to improve interdisciplinary collaboration in mental health care. Int J Ment Health Syst 2013 Mar 19;7(1):10.

Pirkis J, Spittal MJ, Cox G, Robinson J, Cheung YT, Studdert D. The effectiveness of structural interventions at suicide hotspots: a meta-analysis. Int J Epidemiol 2013 Apr;42(2):541-8.

Cox GR, Owens C, Robinson J, Nicholas A, Lockley A, Williamson M, Cheung YT,  Pirkis J. Interventions to reduce suicides at suicide hotspots: a systematic review. BMC Public Health 2013 Mar 9;13:214.

Cheung YT, Spittal MJ, Williamson MK, Tung SJ, Pirkis J. Application of scan  statistics to detect suicide clusters in Australia. PLoS One 2013;8(1):e54168.

Mihalopoulos C, Carter R, Pirkis J, Vos T. Priority-setting for mental health services. J Ment Health 2013 Apr;22(2):122-34.

Machlin A, Pirkis J, Spittal MJ. Which suicides are reported in the media - and what makes them "newsworthy"? Crisis 2013 Jan 1;34(5):305-13.

Bassilios B, Pirkis J, King K, Fletcher J, Blashki G, Burgess P. Evaluation of an Australian primary care telephone cognitive behavioural therapy pilot. Aust J Prim Health 2012 Dec 6.

Almeida OP, Draper B, Snowdon J, Lautenschlager NT, Pirkis J, Byrne G, Sim M, Stocks N, Flicker L, Pfaff JJ. Factors associated with suicidal thoughts in a large community study of older adults. Br J Psychiatry 2012 Dec;201(6):466-72.

Siskind D, Harris M, Pirkis J, Whiteford H. A domains-based taxonomy of supported accommodation for people with severe and persistent mental illness. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2013 Jun;48(6):875-94.

Spittal MJ, Pirkis J, Miller M, Studdert DM. Declines in the lethality of suicide attempts explain the decline in suicide deaths in Australia. PLoS One 2012;7(9):e44565.


Pirkis J, Burgess P, Johnston A, Whiteford H. “No relationship between use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and suicidality found in the 2007 National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing.” Medical Journal of Australia. (In press)

Holland K, Blood RW, Pirkis J, Dare A (2009).”Postpsychiatry in the Australian media: The ‘vulnerable’ talk back.” Asia Pacific Media Educator, 19, 143-157.

Brown P, Pirkis J (2009). “Mental health quality and outcome measurement and improvement in Australia.” Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 22, 610-618.

Fletcher JR, Pirkis JE, Bassilios B, Kohn F, Blashki G, Burgess PM (2009). “Australian primary mental health care: improving access and outcomes.” Australian Journal of Primary Health, 15 (3), 244-253.

Pirkis J (2009). “Suicide and the media.” Psychiatry, 8 (7), 269-271.

Burgess P, Pirkis J, Coombs T (2009). “Modelling candidate effectiveness indicators for mental health services.” Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 43 (6), 531-538.

Pirkis J, Neal L, Dare A, Blood RW, Studdert D (2009). “Legal bans on pro-suicide websites: An early retrospective from Australia.” Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 39 (2), 190-193.

Moulding R, Grenier J, Blashki G, Ritchie P, Pirkis J, Chomienne M-H (2009). “Integrating psychologists into the Canadian health care system: The example of Australia.” Canadian Journal of Public Health, 100 (2), 145-147.

Burgess P, Pirkis J (2009). Service use for mental health problems: Findings from the 2007 National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 43 (7), 615-623.

Johnston A, Pirkis J, Burgess P (2009). “Suicidal thoughts and behaviours among Australian adults: Findings from the 2007 National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing.” Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 43 (7), 635-643.

Niner S, Pirkis J, Krysinska K, Robinson J, Dudley M, Schindeler E, De Leo D, Warr D (2009). “Research priorities in suicide prevention: A qualitative study of stakeholders’ views.” Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health, 8, 1

Pfaff JJ, Draper B, Pirkis J, Stocks N, Snowdon J, Sim M, Byrne G, Lautenschlager N, Flicker L, Kerse N, Goldney R, Wilson I, Almeida OP (2009). “Medical morbidity and mental health status in a large primary care sample of older Australians: The DEPS-GP Project.” Medical Journal of Australia, 190 (7), S75-S80.

Pirkis J, Pfaff J, Williamson M, Tyson O, Stocks N, Goldney R, Draper B, Snowdon J, Lautenschlager N, Almeida O. (2009). “The community prevalence of depression in older Australians.” Journal of Affective Disorders, 115, 54-61.

Pirkis J, Dare A, Blood RW, Rankin B, Williamson M, Burgess P, Jolley D (2009). “Changes in media reporting of suicide in Australia between 2000/01 and 2006/07.” Crisis, 31 (1), 25-33.

Mitchell P, Pirkis J, Hall J, Haas M (2009). “Partnerships for knowledge exchange in health services research, policy and practice.” Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 14 (2), 104-111.

Burgess P, Trauer T, Coombs T, McKay R, Pirkis J (2009). „What does ‘clinical significance’ mean in the context of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS) family of measures?” Australasian Psychiatry, 17 (2), 141-148.

Naccarella L, Pirkis J, Morley B, Kohn F, Blashki G, Burgess P (2008). “Managing demand for psychological service provision under the Australian Better Outcomes in Mental Health Care Program.” Primary Care and Community Psychiatry, 13 (3), 126-133.

Robinson J, Pirkis J, Krysinska K, Niner S, Jorm A, Dudley M, Schindeler E, De Leo D, Harrigan S (2008). “Research priorities in suicide prevention: A comparison of current research efforts and stakeholder-identified priorities.” Crisis, 29 (4), 180-190.

Fletcher J, Bassilios B, Kohn F, Naccarella L, Blashki G, Burgess P, Pirkis J (2008). “Meeting demand for psychological services by people with depression and anxiety: Recent developments in primary mental health care.” Medical Journal of Australia, 188, s107-s109.

Harris M, Burgess P, Chant D, Pirkis J, McGorry P (2008). “Impact of a specialised early psychosis treatment program on suicide. Retrospective cohort study.” Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 2, 11-21.

Kohn F, Pirkis J, Morley B, Naccarella L, Blashki G (2007). “Utilisation of findings from the evaluation of a major primary mental health care initiative in Australia.” Evaluation Journal of Australasia, 7 (2), 12-24.

Draper B, Pfaff J, Pirkis J, Snowdon J, Lautenschlager N, Wilson I, Almeida O (2007). “Long-term effects of childhood abuse on the quality of life and health of older people: Results from the Depression and Early Prevention of Suicide in General Practice project.” Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, Nov 21.

Williamson M, Pirkis J, Pfaff J, Tyson O, Sim M, Kerse N, Lautenschlager N, Stocks N, Almeida O (2007). „Recruiting and retaining GPs and patients in intervention studies: The DEPS-GP project as a case study.” BMC Medical Research Methodology, 7 (1), 42.

Blood RW, Pirkis J, Holland K (2007). „Media reporting of suicide methods: An Australian perspective.” Crisis, 28 (Suppl. 1), 64-69.

Morley B, Pirkis J, Naccarella L, Kohn F, Blashki G, Burgess P (2007). “Improving access to and outcomes from mental health care in rural Australia.” Australian Journal of Rural Health, 15, 304-312.

Naccarella L, Pirkis J, Kohn F, Morley B, Burgess P, Blashki G (2007). “Building evaluation capacity: Definitional and practical implications from an Australian case study.” Evaluation and Program Planning, 30 (3), 231-236.

Pirkis J, Burgess P, Blood RW, Francis C (2007). “The ‘newsworthiness’ of suicide.” Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 37 (3), 278-283.

Pirkis J, Harris M, Buckingham W, Whiteford H, Townsend-White C (2007). “International planning directions for provision of mental health services.” Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, Feb 6.

Morley B, Pirkis J, Sanderson K, Burgess P, Kohn F, Naccarella L, Blashki G (2007). “Better outcomes in mental health care: The impact of different models of psychological service provision on consumer outcomes.” Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 41, 142-149.

Skehan J, Greenhalgh S, Hazell T, Pirkis J (2006). “Reach, awareness and uptake of media guidelines for reporting suicide and mental illness: An Australian perspective.” International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 8 (4), 28-34.

Headey A, Pirkis J, Merner B, Vanden Heuvel A, Mitchell P, Robinson J, Parham J, Burgess P (2006). “A review of 156 local projects funded under Australia’s National Suicide Prevention Strategy: Overview and lessons learned.” The Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health, 5 (3).

Pirkis J, Stokes D, Morley B, Kohn F, Mathews R, Naccarella L, Blashki G, Shandley K, Littlefield L, Burgess P (2006). “Impacts of Australia’s Better Outcomes in Mental Health Care program for psychologists.” Australian Psychologist, 41 (3), 152-159.

Burgess P, Pirkis J, Coombs T (2006). “Do adults in contact with Australia’s public sector mental health services get better?” Australia and New Zealand Health Policy, 3, 9.

Pirkis J, Blood RW, Francis C, McCallum K (2006). “On-screen portrayals of mental illness: Extent, nature and impacts.” Journal of Health Communication, 11, 523-541.

Robinson J, McGorry P, Harris M, Pirkis J, Hickie I, Burgess P (2006). “Australia’s National Suicide Prevention Strategy: The next chapter.” Australian Health Review, 30 (3), 271-276.

Pirkis J, Burgess P, Kohn F, Morley B, Blashki G, Naccarella L (2006). “Models of psychological service provision under Australia’s Better Outcomes in Mental Health Care program.” Australian Health Review, 30 (3), 277-285.

Pirkis J, Burgess P, Francis C, Blood RW, Jolley D (2006). “The relationship between media reporting of suicide and actual suicide.” Social Science and Medicine, 62, 2874-2886.

Pirkis J, Blashki G, Murphy A, Richards J, Hickie I, Ciechomski L. (2006). “The contribution of general practitioner based research in the development of national policy: Case studies from Ireland and Australia.” Australia and New Zealand Health Policy, 3, 4.

Townsend C, Pirkis J, Pham A, Harris M, Whiteford H (2006). “Stakeholder concerns about Australia’s mental health care system: A content analysis of 725 submissions to the Senate Select Committee on Mental Health.” Australian Health Review, 30 (2), 158-163.

Blashki G, Pirkis J, Morgan H, Ciechomski L (2006). “Managing depression and suicide risk in men presenting to primary care clinics.”  Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice, 33 (1), 211-221,

Hermann R, Mattke S, Somekh D, Silfverhielm H, Goldner E, Glover G, Pirkis J, Mainz J, Chan J. “Quality Indicators for International Benchmarking of Mental Health Care,” International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2006; 18:31-38.

McGorry P, Killackey E, Lambert T, Lambert M, Jackson H, Codyre D, James N, Pantelis C, Pirkis J, Jones P, Durie MA, McGrath J, McGlashan T, Malla A, Farhall J, Herrman H, Hocking B (2005). Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of schizophrenia and related disorders. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 39 (1-2), 1-30.

Blood RW, McCallum K, Pirkis J, Martin G, Holland K, Williams J (2005). Schizophrenia in the Australian press: News frames and metaphors in representing mental health to lay publics. Australian Journalism Review, 27 (2), 7-23.

Pirkis J, Headey A, Burgess P, Whiteford H, White J, Francis C (2005). Remunerating private psychiatrists for participating in case conferences. Australia and New Zealand Health Policy, 2, 33.

Pirkis J, Burgess P, Kirk P, Dodson S, Coombs T, Williamson M (2005). A review of the psychometric properties of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS) family of measures. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 3, 76.

Vijayakumar L, Nagaraj K, Pirkis J, Whiteford H. (2005). Suicide in developing countries: (1) Frequency, distribution and association with socio-economic indicators. Crisis, 26 (3), 104-111.

Vijayakumar L, John S, Pirkis J, Whiteford H. (2005). Suicide in developing countries: (2) Risk factors. Crisis, 26 (3), 112-119.

Vijayakumar L, Pirkis J, Whiteford H. (2005). Suicide in developing countries: (3) Prevention efforts. Crisis, 26 (3), 120-124.

Mihalopoulos C, Meadows G, Stiller A, Pirkis J, Burgess P. (2005). Attaching unit costs to Australia’s National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing: Providing the potential to inform key economic questions in mental health. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics, 8 (2), 61-69.

Pirkis J, Hickie I, Young L, Burns J, Highet N, Davenport T (2005). An evaluation of beyondblue, Australia’s national depression initiative.  International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 7 (2), 35-53.

Pirkis J, Burgess P, Coombs T, Clarke A, Jones-Ellis D, Dickson R. (2005). Routine measurement of outcomes in Australian public sector mental health services. Australia and New Zealand Health Policy, 2, 8.

Eagar K, Pirkis J, Owen A, Burgess P, Posner N, Perkins D. (2005). Lessons from the National Mental Health Integration Program. Australian Health Review, 29 (2), 189-200.

Pirkis J, Goldfeld S, Peacock S, Dodson S, Haas M, Cumming J, Hall J, Boulton A. (2005). Assessing the capacity of the health services research community in Australia and New Zealand. Australia and New Zealand Health Policy, 2, 4.

Francis C, Pirkis J, Blood RW, Dunt D, Burgess P, Morley B, Stewart A. (2005). Media portrayal of depression and other mental illnesses in Australia. Journal of Community Psychology, 33 (3), 283-297.

Yung A, Gill L, Sommerville E, Dowling B, Simon K, Pirkis J, Livingston J, Schweitzer I, Tanaghow A, Herrman H, Grigg M, Burgess P. (2005). Public and private psychiatry: Can they work together and is it worth the effort? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 39, 67-73.

Peacock S, Pirkis J, Cumming J. (2004). Health services research, policy and practice in Australia and New Zealand: A coming of age. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 9 (3), S1-S2.

Pirkis J, Kohn F, Morley B, Burgess P, Blashki G. Better Outcomes in Mental Healthcare? Primary Care Mental Health 2004; 2:141-149.

Pirkis J, Morley B, Kohn F, Blashki G, Burgess P, Headey A. “Improving Access to Evidence-Based Mental Health Care: General Practitioners and Allied Health Professionals Collaborate,” Primary Care Psychiatry 2004; 9(4):125-130.

Hickie I, Pirkis J, Blashki G, Groom G, Davenport T. “General Practitioners’ Response to Depression and Anxiety in the Australian Community: A Preliminary Analysis,” Medical Journal of Australia 2004; 181(7):S15-S20.

Burgess P, Pirkis J, Jolley D, Whiteford H, Saxena S. “Do Nations’ Mental Health Policies, Programs and Legislation Influence Their Suicide Rates? An Ecological Study of 100 Countries,” Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2004; 38:933-939.

Francis C, Pirkis J, Blood RW, Dunt D, Burgess P, Morley B, Stewart A, Putnis P. “The Portrayal of Mental Health and Illness in the Australian Media,” Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2004; 38(7):541-546.

Burgess P, Pirkis J, Buckingham B, Burns J, Eagar K, Eckstein G. “Adult Mental Health Needs and Expenditure in Australia,” Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2004; 39(6): 427-434.

Blood RW, Pirkis J, Francis C.  “News and Social Policy: Informing Government Strategies for the Reporting of Suicide and Mental Illness,” Agenda: A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform 2004; 11(3):273-287.

Pirkis J, Livingston J, Herrman H, Schweitzer I, Gill L, Morley B, Grigg M, Tanaghow A, Yung A, Trauer T, Burgess P. “Improving Collaboration Between the Public Mental Health Sector and Private Psychiatrists: Evaluation of the Partnership Project,”  Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2004; 38:125-134.

Pirkis J. Commentary on Yen et al, 2003. Journal of Evidence-based Mental Health, 2004; 7:25.

Friestad C, Pirkis J, Biehl M, Irwin C. “Socioeconomic Patterning of Smoking, Sedentary Lifestyle and Overweight Status Among Adolescents in Norway and the United States,” Journal of Adolescent Health 2003; 33:275-278.

Pirkis JE, Irwin CE, Brindis C, Patton GC, Sawyer MG. “Adolescent Substance Use:  Beware of International Comparisons,” Journal of Adolescent Health 2003; 33:279-286.

Pirkis J, Irwin C, Brindis C, Patton G, Sawyer M, Friestad C, Biehl M. “Receipt of Psychological or Emotional Counseling by Suicidal Adolescents.” Journal of Adolescent Health 2003; 32(2): 149.

Blashki G, Hickie I, Littlefield L, Scott E, Pirkis J, Groom G, Richards J, Davenport T. (2003). “Referral of patients with depression to specialist psychological care from general practice.” Australian Family Physician, 32 (12), 998-1002.

Francis C, Pirkis J, Blood RW, Burgess P, Dunt D. (2003). “Media reporting of specific mental illnesses in the context of crime: Implications for mental health literacy.” Medical Journal of Australia, 179 (11), 638.

Blood RW, Pirkis J, Hickie I, Martin G. (2003). “The pill that killed: A case study of reporting risk knowledge.” Australian Journal of Communication, 30 (2), 47-64.

Pirkis JE, Irwin CE, Brindis C, Patton GC, Sawyer MG. (2003). “Adolescent substance use:  Beware of international comparisons.” Journal of Adolescent Health, 33, 279-286.

Friestad C, Pirkis J, Biehl M, Irwin C. (2003). “Socioeconomic patterning of smoking, sedentary lifestyle and overweight status among adolescents in Norway and the United States.” Journal of Adolescent Health, 33, 275-278.

Pirkis JE, Irwin CE, Brindis C, Sawyer MG, Friestad C, Biehl M, Patton GC. (2003). “Receipt of psychological or emotional counseling by suicidal adolescents.” Pediatrics, 111(4 Pt 1), e388-93.

Blood RW, Putnis P, Pirkis J. (2002). “Mental illness news as violence: A news frame analysis of the reporting and portrayal of mental health and illness in Australian media.” Australian Journal of Communication, 29(2), 59-82.

Pirkis J, Francis C, Blood RW, Burgess P, Morley B, Stewart A, Putnis P. (2002). “Reporting of suicide in the Australian media.” Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 36(2), 190-196

Pirkis J, Burgess P, Jolley D. (2002). “Suicide among psychiatric patients:  A case-control study.” Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 36(1), 86-91.