Jessica Greene, Ph.D., a 2010-11 Australian-American Health Policy Fellow, is professor and associate dean for research, at George Washington University’s School of Nursing. Her research focuses on the role individuals and clinicians play in improving health and health care quality. In one stream of this work, she evaluates strategies intended spark informed decision making, like consumer directed health plans and financial incentives. In another stream of research, she examines ways to support individuals to make informed choices and become activated health consumers. Greene holds a Ph.D. from the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New York University and an M.P.H. from Columbia University.
Project: Paying clinicians to provide high quality care is a strategy that has increased worldwide in recent years, yet there is limited and inconsistent evidence on its effectiveness. The project will examine Australia’s pay-for-performance program for general practitioners. In addition to examining how successful the program has been overall, she will investigate what types of providers have been most and least responsive to the incentives, identify what steps providers have taken to improve the quality of care, and assess whether the program has narrowed or widened socioeconomic disparities in health care in Australia.
Career Activity Since Fellowship: The research she conducted in Australia started her working in a new area, using mixed methods to understand the impact (or lack thereof) of financial incentives to improve physician quality of care. She has continued to develop this line of research in the US, and have found some interesting parallels with the Australian work.
Current Position:
Associate Dean for Research, Professor, School of Nursing, The George Washington University
Email: [email protected]
Publications since Fellowship
Greene J. An Examination of Pay-for-Performance in General Practice in Australia. Health Services Research; 2013.
Greene J, Hall J. The Comparability of Emergency Department Waiting Time Performance Data. Medical Journal of Australia; 2012. 197 (6): 345-348.
J.H. Hibbard, J. Greene, S. Sofaer, K Firminger, J. Hirsh. "An Experiment Shows That A Well-Designed Report On Costs and Quality Can Help Consumers Choose High-Value Health Care." Health Affairs. 2012.
J. Greene and J. H. Hibbard, "Why Does Patient Activation Matter? An Examination of the Relationships Between Patient Activation and Health-Related Outcomes," Journal of General Internal Medicine, published online Nov. 30, 2011.