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Repeal & Replace

  • Opposition to Obamacare Repeal Grows, Especially Among Republicans McClatchy by Joah Magness—A growing majority of Americans— including a sharply increasing number of Republicans—oppose an outright repeal of Obamacare, according to a new McClatchy-Marist Poll, signaling trouble for Republicans still hoping to dismantle the 2010 health care law. Sixty-five percent of registered voters either want to see the Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as Obamacare, maintained as is or strengthened, a seven-point uptick over a February McClatchy-Marist poll that asked the same question.

  • Is 'Obamacare' Repeal Dead--Or a Legislative Zombie? AP by Nancy Benac—President Donald Trump's plan to kill Obamacare died last week. Or maybe it didn't. The repeal effort seems to have assumed zombie status— somewhere between dead and alive. To say that Trump and Republican congressional leaders are sending mixed signals about the viability of the repeal effort is an understatement.

  • The Death of Trumpcare Is the Ultimate Proof of Obamacare's Historic Accomplishment Huffington Post by Jonathan Cohn—The Affordable Care Act overcame the tea party protests of 2009 and the Democrats losing their filibuster-proof Senate majority in 2010. It survived two challenges in front of the Supreme Court and the calamitous rollout of Now it has withstood the attempt to replace it with the American Health Care Act, better known as Trumpcare. Somehow, despite the intense political forces arrayed against it, and the mind-boggling policy problems it tries to solve, the 2010 health care law keeps defying efforts to wipe it out.

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