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Those Against

  • Doctors, Hospitals, and Insurers Oppose Republican Health Plan Washington Post by Juliet Eilperin and Mike DeBonis—Major associations representing physicians, hospitals, insurers, and seniors all leveled sharp attacks against the House GOP's plan to rewrite the Affordable Care Act on Wednesday, as some Republicans publicly questioned whether the measure can clear the House of Representatives. While industry groups warned that the proposal could leave vulnerable Americans with fewer protections than they now have, GOP leaders pressed ahead, bringing legislation before two key committees that are expected to approve the bills by week's end.

  • The Three GOP Factions That Could Doom Republicans' Obamacare Replacement Bill Washington Post by Amber Phillips—As they roll out their Obamacare replacement plan, Republicans are quickly finding out what Democrats learned eight years ago: Even if you win control of Congress and the White House, there are still plenty of obstacles to passing laws that, in principle, your whole party agrees with. Several factions within the Republican Party don't like some key details about this new health care plan. Here's a look at the three main ones: 1) Western/Midwestern GOP senators, 2) conservative/libertarian senators, 3) moderate Planned Parenthood supporters.

  • Republican Governors Complain About GOP Health Care Plan AP by Thomas Beaumont and Alison Noon— Republican governors complain that a GOP proposal to replace former President Barack Obama's health care law would force millions of lower-income earners off insurance rolls or stick states with the cost of keeping them covered. Governors, especially those from political battleground states, were generally cool to the bill put forth in the Republican-controlled U.S. House. Some signaled that they would continue working on their own legislation to compete with the measure introduced Monday. "We've said all along, 'Work with the governors,' that it should be a governor-led effort and for the Congress to rely on the governors," Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval said Tuesday. "Well, they came out with their own bill, which doesn't include anything that the governors have talked about."

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