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Commonwealth Fund Publications
S. R. Collins and J. L. Nicholson, Rite of Passage: Young Adults and the Affordable Care Act of 2010, The Commonwealth Fund, May 2010.

D. M. Cutler, K. Davis, and K. Stremikis, The Impact of Health Reform on Health System Spending, Center for American Progress and The Commonwealth Fund, May 2010.

M. M. Doty, M. K. Abrams, S. E. Hernandez, K. Stremikis, and A. C. Beal, Enhancing the Capacity of Community Health Centers to Achieve High Performance: Findings from the 2009 Commonwealth Fund National Survey of Federally Qualified Health Centers, The Commonwealth Fund, May 2010.

S. Guterman and H. Drake, Developing Innovative Payment Approaches: Finding the Path to High Performance, The Commonwealth Fund, May 2010.

What Will Happen Under Health Reform—And What's Next? The Commonwealth Fund, Columbia Journalism Review, May 2010 supplement.

G. F. Anderson and D. A. Squires, Measuring the U.S. Health Care System: A Cross-National Comparison, The Commonwealth Fund, June 2010.

K. Davis, C. Schoen, and K. Stremikis, Mirror, Mirror onthe Wall: How the Performance of the U.S. Health Care System Compares Internationally, 2010 Update, The Commonwealth Fund, June 2010.

K. Davis, A New Era in American Health Care: Realizing the Potential of Reform, The Commonwealth Fund, June 2010.

S. Silow-Carroll, Colorado Children's Healthcare Access Program: Helping Pediatric Practices Become Medical Homes for Low-Income Children, The Commonwealth Fund, June 2010.

D. Squires, The Commonwealth Fund, and others, International Profiles of Health Care Systems, The Commonwealth Fund, June 2010.

T. S. Jost, Health Insurance Exchanges and the Affordable Care Act: Key Policy Issues, The Commonwealth Fund, July 2010.

C. Sorenson, Use of Comparative Effectiveness Research in Drug Coverage and Pricing Decisions: A Six-Country Comparison, The Commonwealth Fund, July 2010.

Other Related Publications
National Governors Association, State Roles in Delivery System Reform, 2010.

N. Ahsan and J. Rosenthal, Engaging Parents as Partners to Support Early Child Health and Development, National Academy for State Health Policy, May 2010.

D. Bachrach, Payment Reform: Creating a Sustainable Future for Medicaid, Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc., May 2010. 

J. Cantor et al., Data for Planning a Temporary High Risk Health Insurance Pool in New Jersey, Rutgers Center for State Health Policy, May 2010. 

J. Holahan and I. Headen, Medicaid Coverage and Spending in Health Reform: National and State-by-State Results for Adults at or Below 133% FPL, Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, May 2010. 

C. Koller, T. Brennan, and M. Bailit, Rhode Island's Novel Experiment to Rebuild Primary Care From the Insurance Side, Health Affairs, May 2010 29(5): 941–47. 

M. Merlis, Health Coverage for the High-Risk Uninsured: Policy Options for Design of the Temporary High-Risk Pool, National Institute for Health Care Reform, May 2010. 

P. Miller, D. Love et al., All-Payer Claims Databases: An Overview for State Policymakers, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, May 2010. 

E. Osius and S. Alfreds, Collaborating with Health Centers to Leverage HIT for System Improvement, National Academy for State Health Policy, May 2010. 

Y. Song, J. Skinner et al., Regional Variations in Diagnostic Practices, New England Journal of Medicine, May 2010 363: 45–53. 

M. Takach, K. Purington, and E. Osius, A Tale of Two Systems: A Look at State Efforts to Integrate Primary Care and Behavioral Health in Safety Net Settings, National Academy for State Health Policy, May 2010. 

A. Weil, State Policymakers' Priorities for Successful Implementation of Health Reform, National Academy for State Health Policy, May 2010. 

S. Zuckerman, T. Waidmann et al., Clarifying Sources of Geographic Differences in Medicare Spending, The New England Journal of Medicine, May 2010 363:54–62. 

Financing New Medicaid Coverage Under Health Reform: The Role of the Federal Government and States, Kaiser Family Foundation, May 2010. 

M. K. Abrams, E. L. Schor, and S. C. Schoenbaum, "How Physician Practices Could Share Personnel and Resources to Support Medical Homes," Health Affairs, June 2010 29(6):1194–99. 

A. Bitton, C. Martin, and B. E. Landon, "A Nationwide Survey of Patient-Centered Medical Home Demonstration Projects," Journal of General Internal Medicine, June 2010 25(6):584–92. 

L. Blumberg and K. Pollitz, Cross-State Risk Pooling Under Health Care Reform: An Analytic Review of the Provisions in the House and Senate Bills, Urban Institute, June 2010. 

C. Cantrell, Electronic Enrollment of Newborns into Medicaid: Insights from Oklahoma, National Academy for State Health Policy, June 2010. 

D. Chollet, How Temporary Insurance for High-Risk Individuals May Play Out Under Health Reform, Health Affairs, June 2010 29(6): 1164–67. 

M. W. Friedberg, K. L. Coltin, D. G. Safran et al., "Medical Home Capabilities of Primary Care Practices That Serve Sociodemographically Vulnerable Neighborhoods," Archives of Internal Medicine, June 14, 2010 170(11):938–44. 

S. Guterman, K. Davis, K. Stremikis, and H. Drake, "Innovation in Medicare and Medicaid Will Be Central to Health Reform's Success," Health Affairs, June 2010 29(6):1188–93. 

J. Holahan and S. Dorn, What Is the Impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) on the States?, Urban Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, June 2010. 

K. Johnson, Managing the "T" in EPSDT Services, National Academy for State Health Policy, June 2010. 

G. Kenney, S. Long, and A. Luque, Health Reform in Massachusetts Cut the Uninsurance Rate Among Children in Half, Health Affairs, June 2010 29(6): 1242–47. 

J. Kingsdale and J. Bertko, Insurance Exchanges Under Health Reform: Six Design Issues for the States, Health Affairs, June 2010 29(6): 1158–63. 

L. Ku, Ready, Set, Plan, Implement: Executing the Expansion of Medicaid, Health Affairs, June 2010 29(6): 1173–77. 

S. Long, What Is the Evidence on Health Reform in Massachusetts and How Might the Lessons from Massachusetts Apply to National Health Reform, Urban Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, June 2010. 

H. Miller, Making Reform a Reality: Ways to Facilitate Better Healthcare Payment and Delivery Systems and Lower Healthcare Costs, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, June 2010. 

L. Nichols, Implementing Insurance Market Reforms Under the Federal Health Reform Law, Health Affairs, June 2010 29(6): 1152–57. 

A. Weil and R. Scheppach, New Roles for States in Health Reform Implementation, Health Affairs, June 2010 29(6): 1178–82. 

Charting a Path for Health Care Payment Reform: Recommendations for the Field, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, June 2010. 

The Future of Children's Health Coverage, Alliance for Health Reform and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, June 2010. 

Medicaid: A Primer; Key Information on Our Nation's Health Coverage Program for Low-Income People, The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, June 2010. 

Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports: Key Changes in the Health Reform Law, Kaiser Family Foundation, June 2010. 

The Medicaid Program at a Glance, The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, June 2010. 

Wisconsin's BadgerCare Plus Program: Moving Forward on Health Reform Amid a Recession, Kaiser Family Foundation, June 2010. 

S. Dorn, State Implementation of National Health Reform: Harnessing Federal Resources to Meet State Policy Goals, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation State Coverage Initiatives and The Urban Institute, July 2010.

V. Smith, K. Gifford, T. Dehner et al., State Medicaid Agencies Prepare for Health Care Reform While Continuing to Face Challenges from the Recession, Kaiser Commission on the Uninsured and Health Management Associates, August 2010.

Multimedia and Interactive Resources

Online Guide: Bright Futures: Training and Implementation Materials for Pediatric Practices, American Academy of Pediatrics, April 2010. 

Web site: Health Reform GPS: Navigating Implementation, The George Washington University and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, April 2010. 

Web site: Federal Health Reform Implementation, National Conference of State Legislatures

Web site: National Governors Association Health Reform Implementation Center.

Podcast: How Will Community Health Centers Fare Under Health Reform?, The Commonwealth Fund, May 2010. 

Testimony: Implementation of Federal Health Care Reform, Alan Weil, National Academy for State Health Policy, May 2010. 

Webcast and Podcast: The New Health Reform Law and Young Adults, Alliance for Health Reform and The Commonwealth Fund, May 2010. 

Webinar: Evaluating the Patient-Centered Medical Home: Potential Limitations of Claims-Based Data, National Academy for State Health Policy, May 2010. 

Webinar: Opportunities and Challenges in Health Reform for Young Children's Health and Development, National Academy for State Health Policy, May 2010. 

Webinar: Parent Partnerships to Support Early Child Health and Development, National Academy for State Health Policy, May 2010. 

Web site: Health Information Technology in States, National Academy for State Health Policy, May 2010. 

E-Forum: The New Health Reform Law and Young Adults, The Commonwealth Fund, June 2010. 

E-Forum: Pathways to Payment Innovation in a Post-Health Reform Era, The Commonwealth Fund, June 2010. 

Interactive Web Feature: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: How the Performance of the U.S. Health Care System Compares Internationally, 2010 Update, June 2010. 

Online Guide: Covering Health Issues, 5th Edition – 2010 Update, Alliance for Health Reform and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, June 2010. 

Podcast: Health Care Abroad and Reform at Home, The Commonwealth Fund, June 2010. 

Testimony: Enrollment in 2014: What's at Stake for States?, Alice M. Weiss, J.D., National Academy for State Health Policy, June 2010. 

Toolkit: Covering Health Reform Between Now and 2014, Alliance for Health Reform, June 2010. 

Webinar: Delivery and Payment System Provisions in Health Reform that Will Impact States, AcademyHealth, June 2010. 

Webinar: Payment Reform: Creating a Sustainable Future for Medicaid, Center for Health Care Strategies, June 2010. 

Online Guide: Bright Future Clinical Guide to Performing Preventive Services, American Academy of Pediatrics, July 2010. 

Webcast and Podcast: Health Reform Implementation: When Sausage-Making Moves Downtown, Alliance for Health Reform and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, July 2010. 

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