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Oversample of U.S. Primary Care Physicians Serving Low-Income Areas in the 2019 International Health Policy Survey

Grant Details

Grantee Organization

Principal Investigator
Robyn Rapoport, M.A.

12/30/18 - 11/30/19

Award Amount

Approval Year

Related Program
Health Care Delivery System Reform

Grant Details

Grantee Organization

Principal Investigator
Robyn Rapoport, M.A.

12/30/18 - 11/30/19

Award Amount

Approval Year

Related Program
Health Care Delivery System Reform

SSRS will add 500 interviews with primary care physicians practicing in low‐income areas of the U.S. by matching the site of the physician’s practice to average household income data by zip code. The additional funds will be used for the oversampling process and interviews themselves. Fund staff will then analyze the results to compare challenges, capacity and attitudes about primary care between physicians serving low‐income patients to physicians serving middle‐ and high-income patients. The results will further inform The Fund’s future direction on how best to improve care for vulnerable populations in low‐resourced communities.