Accountable Care Organizations: Commonwealth Fund Resources

eAlert 054bb92e-fdf2-4b3a-9214-060a4480d2a4

<p>Accountable care organizations (ACOs)—groups of health care providers that work together to provide coordinated, efficient care—are an important part of the effort to reform health care delivery. This fall, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released its final rule for implementing a new program that will enable ACOs to share in Medicare savings. A <a href="/publications/publication/2011/apr/final-rule-medicare-shared-savings-program">new paper</a> by Mark Zezza, Ph.D., senior policy analyst for Health Care Delivery Policy at The Commonwealth Fund, offers a detailed summary of the final rule, which grants more flexibility to participating health care providers. </p>
<p>The ACO Resource Page offers a wide range of blog posts and publications about ACOs. Later this month, we'll be publishing a series of ACO case studies, as well as new blog posts on ACOs and safety-net providers. <br></p>