Accountable Care Organizations: Commonwealth Fund Resources
<p>Today the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released its proposed regulations for accountable care organizations (ACOs). Under the Affordable Care Act, ACOs, which are organizations made up of groups of health care providers, have the opportunity to share in Medicare savings derived from improvements in the quality and efficiency of care. </p>
<p>On our new ACO Resource Page, you can read Commonwealth Fund publications and blog posts on ACOs, such as <a href="/publications/fund-reports/2011/feb/road-better-value-state-roles-promoting-accountable-care">On the Road to Better Value: State Roles in Promoting Accountable Care Organizations </a>and a summary of a <em>New England Journal of Medicine</em> commentary, <a href="/publications/journal-article/2010/oct/accountable-care-organizations-accountable-what-whom-and-how">"Accountable Care Organizations: Accountable for What, to Whom, and How?"</a> by Elliott S. Fisher and Stephen M. Shortell. </p>