Achieving the Triple Aim: What the U.S. Can Learn from Other Countries
<p>Countries around the world have realized some success in achieving the "Triple Aim" of health care: better health and better health care at lower cost. A new series of <a href="/publications/publication/2013/apr/innovations-abroad-special-issue-health-affairs">Commonwealth Fund–supported articles</a> in the April issue of <em>Health Affairs</em> describes the lessons these successes hold for the U.S. health care system. </p><p>Read about: </p>
<li>How Australia instituted a strategy for reviewing and covering new prescription drugs that saved money without compromising quality.</li>
<li>How value-based cost-sharing has reduced prescription drug costs in some countries and brought higher-quality care to patients in others.</li>
<li>How European hospitals have improved upon Medicare’s hospital payment model.</li>
<li>And much more. </li>
<p>Visit <a href="/publications/publication/2013/apr/innovations-abroad-special-issue-health-affairs"></a> to read summaries of all the articles and view our <a href="/Infographics/2013/How-Other-Nations-Manage-Drug-Costs.aspx">infographic</a> comparing how selected countries are managing prescription drug costs. </p>