Advancing Physician Performance Measurement

eAlert 83f01218-eebf-455c-a78c-b63c261ab777

<p>Measuring physician performance is critical to improving the quality and efficiency of care and allowing patients to make value-based health care choices. At a recent meeting co-funded by The Commonwealth Fund, participants examined the current state of physician performance measurement and began to develop a research and policy agenda to advance this strategy and improve transparency in the U.S. health care system.<br><Br>The resulting report, <a href="">Advancing Physician Performance Measurement: Using Administrative Data to Assess Physician Quality and Efficiency,</a> describes the science of measuring physician performance, data issues, and measurement initiatives currently under way. The report also highlights areas that require attention, including a need for research to assess optimal ways to provide feedback to physicians and patients.<br><br>The meeting and report were developed as part of a project co-sponsored by Pacific Business Group on Health (PBGH), a purchaser coalition focused on improving health care quality and value, and the San Francisco-based nonprofit Lumetra.<br><br>The report can be downloaded from <a href=""></a></p&gt;