The Affordable Care Act’s First Report Card

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It’s early in the school year for report cards, but it seems like it’s never too soon to grade the performance of the Affordable Care Act. Verdicts on the law’s success or failure have been arriving on a near-daily basis since the law was signed in 2010.<br /><br />
But in a <a href="/blog/2014/assessing-affordable-care-act-record-date">new blog post</a>, The Commonwealth Fund’s David Blumenthal, M.D., and Sara Collins say we now have solid evidence for some initial assessments of the health coverage expansions. <br />
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Just prior to the insurance marketplaces’ first open enrollment period, Blumenthal and Collins suggested four key areas for evaluating the law’s progress in 2014. Today, they offer grades on those benchmark measures—and add a few more for extra credit.<br />
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