After Halbig: Considerations for States with Federally Run Marketplaces

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Last month, a federal appeals court ruled in <em>Halbig v. Burwell </em>that consumers who purchase health plans through one of the Affordable Care Act’s federally run insurance marketplaces cannot receive premium subsidies under the law.  (A separate federal appeals court reached the opposite conclusion in a similar case.) Though resolution of these cases may be years away, Kevin Lucia and Justin Giovannelli of Georgetown University's Health Policy Institute explain in a <a href="/blog/2014/after-halbig-considerations-states-revisiting-option-establish-state-based-marketplace">new blog post</a> that states with federal marketplaces have options they can consider now.<br /><br />
States can still establish their own marketplaces to ensure that people can continue to receive federal premium subsidies, the authors say. Among other options, state officials can ease the transition to a state-run marketplace by using the federal website for enrollment while handling other marketplace functions themselves. Read the post.