Apply for the 2009-10 Harkness Fellowships in Health Care Policy and Practice
<p>The Commonwealth Fund <a href="/fellowships/fellowships_list.htm?attrib_id=9157">Harkness Fellowships</a> provide a unique opportunity for mid-career professionals--academic researchers, clinicians, managers, government policymakers, and journalists--from Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom to spend up to 12 months in the United States conducting a policy-oriented research study, working with leading U.S. health policy experts, and gaining an in-depth knowledge of the participating countries' health care systems.<br><br>Fellows also participate in a series of policy and leadership seminars organized by The Commonwealth Fund throughout the year with U.S. health care leaders.<br><br>Applicants must demonstrate a strong interest in health policy issues and propose a study that falls within the scope of the Fund's national program areas: improving health insurance coverage and access, and improving the quality and efficiency of health care services. Harkness Fellows have published their findings in leading journals and as reports for health ministers and other high-level policy audiences, and have moved into prominent positions within academia, government, and health care organizations. Harkness Fellows become part of a strong international network, with opportunities for future professional development and ongoing collaborations.<br><br><strong>Deadline for receipt of applications is September 5, 2008.</strong><br><br><strong>For more details and an application form, please visit <a href="/fellowships"></a>. For questions about the program, eligibility, and proposed projects, contact Robin Osborn, vice president and director of the International Program in Health Policy and Practice, at <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>.</p>