Attend the National Academy of Social Insurance's Annual Conference
<p>The National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI) will host its annual conference, "For the Common Good: What Role for Social Insurance," February 1-2 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.<br><br>Speakers include Commonwealth Fund Commission on a High Performance Health System member <strong>Dallas Salisbury,</strong> Employee Benefits Research Institute, as well as: <strong>Henry Aaron,</strong> Brookings Institution; <strong>Nancy Altman,</strong> Pension Rights Center; <strong>Mollyann Brodie,</strong> Kaiser Family Foundation; <strong>Deborah Cutler-Ortiz,</strong> Wider Opportunities for Women; <strong>Michael Graetz,</strong> Yale University; <strong>David John,</strong> Heritage Foundation; <strong>Vicky Lovell,</strong> Institute for Women's Policy Research; <strong>Mark McClellan,</strong> AEI-Brookings Joint Center; <strong>Kimberly Morgan,</strong> George Washington University; <strong>Peter Orszag,</strong> Brookings Institution; and <strong>Thomas Rice,</strong> UCLA.<br><br>To find out more and to register, visit the <a href="… Web site</a>.</p>