Briefing—Designing a Marketplace That Works: Steps to Affordable Coverage
<p>Materials are now available from an October 22 briefing in Washington, D.C., on state health insurance exchanges. The speakers looked at states' policy options as well as the federal government's role in these marketplaces, which must begin operation by January 2014. The event was cosponsored by The Alliance for Health Reform and The Commonwealth Fund.</p>
<p>Panelists were: <strong>Joel Ario, </strong>HHS Office of Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight; <strong>Timothy Jost,</strong> Washington and Lee University; <strong>Michael McRaith,</strong> Illinois Department of Insurance; and <strong>Terry Gardiner,</strong> Small Business Majority. Ed Howard of the Alliance and Sara Collins of The Commonwealth Fund co-moderated. <br /><br />Visit the Alliance Web site at <a href="">…; for the webcast, podcast, individual speaker videos, and downloadable resources. <br /></p>