The California Health Benefit Exchange: Implications for Other States
<p>California was the first state to create its own health insurance exchange after the passage of the Affordable Care Act. A <a href="/publications/issue-briefs/2011/may/state-based-coverage-solutions-california-health-benefit">new brief</a> by the New America Foundation's Micah Weinberg and Leif Wellington Haase reports on California's key choices and evaluates their likelihood to ensure residents have affordable access to high-quality care. </p>
<p>California’s choices can inform policymakers in other states as they address important exchange design issues, including how to minimize adverse selection, encourage competition among health plans based on value, and seamlessly coordinate enrollment with public programs. </p>
<p>Join a <a href="">webinar</a> on exchange implementation on <strong>Tuesday, June 7</strong>, at 3:30 p.m., E.D.T., with the authors and with <strong>Kim Belshé</strong>, member of the California Health Benefit Exchange board, former secretary of California’s Health and Human Services Agency, and former member of the National Academy for State Health Policy Executive Committee, and <strong>Jon Kingsdale, Ph.D., </strong>managing director and cofounder of the Boston office of Wakely Consulting and founding executive director of the Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority in Massachusetts. </p>
<p>The webinar, which is cosponsored by the National Academy for State Health Policy, will be moderated by The Commonwealth Fund’s Sara Collins. <strong>To register, go to </strong><a href=""><strong>https://cc.readytalk.c…;. <br /></strong></p>