Care for Millions at Risk as Community Health Centers Lose Billions in Funding

eAlert 9dabfff1-9792-4e64-8eaf-f750d551ea61

<p>Today, more than 10,000 community health centers sites across the United States are providing primary health care to one in 13 Americans, regardless of their ability to pay. Even though these providers have long enjoyed bipartisan support, Congress has failed to renew a critical financing source, the Community Health Center Fund, which accounts for 70 percent of their federal funding. </p><p>In a new <em>To the Point</em> post, the Commonwealth Fund’s Corinne Lewis, Pamela Riley, and Melinda Abrams say that if Congress does not act, community health centers will lose critical dollars they rely on to operate. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimates that the significant funding cut would lead to one-quarter of health centers sites closing, 51,000 workers being laid off, and 9 million people — nearly one-third of all patients — losing the comprehensive care they need.  </p>
<p>“The billions in funding losses that would result from Congress’ failure to renew the Community Health Center Fund would impede health centers’ ability to continue improvements and would result in the loss of jobs and care for millions,” the authors say. </p> Read more