The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation: The Sweet Spot Between 'Rigor' and 'Rigor Mortis'

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<p>Recognizing the need to identify, develop, and disseminate new approaches to health care delivery that can improve quality and lower costs, Congress created the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation as part of the Affordable Care Act. On Monday, July 18, policy stakeholders convened for an Alliance for Health Reform/Commonwealth Fund briefing on the key issues facing the Innovation Center, including the need to balance the testing of innovative ideas with rapid-cycle deployment of these new ways to deliver care. </p>
<p>In a <a href="/blog/2011/sweet-spot-between-rigor-and-rigor-mortis-balancing-need-evidence-based-innovations-and">blog post</a>, the Fund's Rachel Nuzum and Stuart Guterman report on the briefing, which featured Marsha Gold of Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.; Paul Wallace of the Lewin Group; and Tim Ferris, M.D., of the Massachusetts General Physicians Organization and Harvard Medical School. The panel concluded with Peter Lee of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation. Ed Howard of the Alliance for Health Reform and Stuart Guterman comoderated the event. </p>
<p>Learn more on <a href="~/link.aspx?_id=0B67ACA7A5CB453CB876F3DB59E19448&_z=z">The Commonwealth Fund Blog</a>. <br /></p>