Commonwealth Fund Commission to Release New National Scorecard
<p><div align="center"><h3><strong>September 20, 2006</h3><br>Commonwealth Fund Commission to Release New National Scorecard Rating U.S. Health Care System on Quality, Access, Efficiency, and Equity</strong></div><br><br><em>Report Assesses How U.S. Fares on 37 Key Measures of Performance</em><br><br>The Commonwealth Fund Commission on a High Performance Health System will issue the first ever scorecard evaluating the U.S. health care system on key measures of quality, access, efficiency, and equity. Led by James Mongan, M.D., president and CEO of Partners HealthCare System in Boston, the Commission assigned scores on a scale of 1 to 100, comparing how the U.S. fares internationally and across states on measures such as preventable hospital admissions and readmissions, preventable deaths, and use of health information technology. This Commission report also highlights the number of lives and dollars that could be saved if the U.S. health care system performed at optimal levels.<br><br>How could the U.S. get better value for the substantial resources it spends on health care? What are the opportunities for win-win solutions that improve quality and lower cost? What is the potential for policy changes to simultaneously improve access, quality, and efficiency? As part of the release event, a well-known and diverse group of health policy leaders and Commission members will tackle these questions, react to the overall scorecard findings, and give their recommendations for moving toward a truly high performing health care system.<br><br><strong>When:</strong> September 20, 2006, 9:30-11:30 a.m.<br><em>Continental Breakfast will be served at 9:15 a.m.</em><br><br><strong>Where:</strong> The Hotel Washington, 15th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC<br><br><strong>Who:</strong><br /><strong>Maureen Bisognano,</strong> Executive Vice President and CEO, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, and Commission member<br><strong>Christine K. Cassel, M.D.,</strong> President and CEO, American Board of Internal Medicine and ABIM Foundation, and Commission member<br><strong>Karen Davis,</strong> President, The Commonwealth Fund<br><strong>Robert Galvin, M.D.,</strong> Director, Global Health, General Electric Company, and newly appointed Commission member<br><strong>James J. Mongan, M.D.,</strong> President and CEO, Partners HealthCare System, Inc., and Commission Chair<br><strong>Cathy Schoen,</strong> Senior Vice President, The Commonwealth Fund<br><strong>Stephen C. Schoenbaum, M.D.,</strong> Executive Vice President for Programs, The Commonwealth Fund, and Commission Executive Director<br><br><strong>Please RSVP to Jacki Flowers at 301-652-1558 or <a href="mailto:[email protected]">jflowers@burnesscommunicatio…;