Commonwealth Fund Resources on Health Insurance Premiums
<p>As the rapid rise of health insurance premiums becomes a focus of the health care reform debate, we have put together a resource page of Commonwealth Fund research to provide background on this topic. Resources include: <br></p>
<li>A <a href="/publications/publication/2009/aug/paying-price-how-health-insurance-premiums-are-eating-middle">report</a> showing that nationally, family premiums for employer-sponsored health insurance increased 119 percent between 1999 and 2008, and could increase another 94 percent by 2020, to an average $23,842 per family, if cost growth continues on its current course. National reforms that slow health care cost increases would yield substantial savings for families and businesses across the country. The report includes state-by-state analysis of premium costs and projected increases. </li>
<li>A blog post by Commonwealth Fund President Karen Davis, <a href="/blog/2009/why-health-reform-must-counter-rising-costs-health-insurance-premiums">Why Health Reform Must Counter the Rising Costs of Health Insurance Premiums</a>. </li>
<li>A <a href="/publications/issue-briefs/2009/jul/chronic-burdens-persistently-high-out-pocket-health-care">study</a> analyzing high out-of-pocket expenses and premiums for working-age adults with chronic conditions.<br></li>