Coverage and Financial Security Preserved for Millions of Americans in the Supreme Court Ruling for the Government
<p>Today the Supreme Court decided in favor of the government in the <em>King v. Burwell</em> case. The case had contested the legality of the Affordable Care Act’s premium subsidies in the 34 states that have federally facilitated marketplaces. In a new blog post, The Commonwealth Fund’s Sara R. Collins and David Blumenthal, M.D., say that decision means that the estimated 6.4 million Americans who are currently receiving subsidies in these states will continue to benefit from affordable health insurance.</p><p>A recent survey from The Commonwealth Fund shows what a difference this new marketplace insurance and new Medicaid coverage have made in millions of people’s lives across the country. In the survey, more than half of working-age adults who currently have coverage either through marketplace plans or Medicaid were uninsured prior to gaining this coverage; of those, more than six of 10 had been without insurance for a year or longer.</p>
<p>With <em>King v. Burwell</em> resolved, policymakers, insurers, and providers can now focus their attention on continuous improvement of Americans’ insurance coverage and access to health care.</p>