David Blumenthal on ACA Dates that Matter
<p>Confusion about Affordable Care Act (ACA) deadlines is rampant, says Commonwealth Fund President David Blumenthal, M.D., in a new blog post. That’s because there are lots of them—and they keep changing. </p><p>Visit the <a href="/blog/2013/reflecting-health-reform-aca-dates-matter">Commonwealth Fund Blog</a> to find out which dates Dr. Blumenthal believes matter more than others, and how taking the long view is important. </p>
<p>"Few things in life go exactly as planned, and it would be totally astonishing if the implementation of massive reforms to a sector accounting for 20 percent of our economy rolled out without a bump or a detour," Blumenthal writes. "We should keep that in mind as we think about those changing ACA deadlines."</p>