DEADLINE EXTENDED: The Commonwealth Fund wants your thoughts on SCHIP

eAlert 72d7db01-7f48-4e5d-92c7-cf8df69cf8c2

<p>We want to let you know that we have extended the deadline for response to the latest Commonwealth Fund Health Care Opinion Leaders Survey <strong>UNTIL APRIL 6, 2007.</strong> The survey takes no longer than <strong>5 minutes.</strong> Your feedback is critical to the success of this study; please share it with us today.<br><br>The Commonwealth Fund is conducting an online survey about your thoughts on the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).<br><br>You have been identified by the Fund, Modern Healthcare and Harris Interactive as an individual whose views we would like to have represented in this survey, the latest in the Fund's Health Care Opinion Leaders survey series.<br><br>To participate, please go to:<br>%%Additional_%%<br><br>All responses are completely confidential, will never be associated with you or your organization, and will be reported only in the aggregate.<br><br>In our most recent survey (November 2006), we asked for opinions about Congress's top health policy priorities. To view the results from this survey and the seven previous opinion leaders surveys, visit the Fund's Survey and Data page: <a ahref="">http://www.commonw… believe that by sampling this impressive
group of opinion leaders, we will be able to gather important and timely information that can contribute in a positive way to the ongoing debate about the best ways to improve health care coverage, access, and quality in the United States.<br><br>Thank you in advance for being part of this effort.<br><br>If you have any difficulties accessing the online survey, please email: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">healthcareopinio… did I get this email?<br>Your email address was provided to us by The Commonwealth Fund or Modern Healthcare only for the purpose of this study.<br><br>How can I unsubscribe?<br>To unsubscribe from this current survey please send an email to:<br><a href="mailto:[email protected]">27901_b_unsubscribe@h… unsubscribe from future surveys please send an email to: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">27901unsubscribe@harrisi… or Concerns?<br>If you have any comments or concerns about this study, please feel free to contact us at: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">healthcareopinio…; and include "J27901b" in the subject line. *Please do not reply to this email.*</p>