Dig Into Our Data on Americans' Experiences in the Health Insurance Marketplaces

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<p>About 3 million people have selected state and federal health insurance marketplace plans over the last four months, and the number of enrollees is expected to climb as we approach the 2014 enrollment deadline of March 31. </p><p>To learn more about changes over time in public awareness of the marketplaces and what Americans are experiencing as they shop for health plans, check our <a href="/acaTrackingSurvey/index.html">new interactive dashboard.</a> It draws on findings from The Commonwealth Fund's Affordable Care Act Tracking Surveys for October and December 2013. </p>
<p>Visit <a href="/acaTrackingSurvey/index.html">acatracking.commonwealthfund.org</a> to interact with this rich data set. </p>
