Does the New Law to Fight Opioid Addiction Underfund Medicaid?
Last month, President Trump signed new opioid legislation that offers policies to prevent new addictions and to expand access to treatment, including medication-assisted treatment. In a new To the Point post, Cindy Mann and Jocelyn Guyer of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP, explain that while stakeholders agree the SUPPORT Act is an important step forward, it contains no major, sustained infusion of new funding to expand community-based care for substance use disorders.
Medicaid is the single largest source of coverage for people with opioid use disorders, yet the law adds only $2.1 billion to Medicaid for fiscal years 2019 to 2028, or less than one-tenth of 1 percent of total Medicaid funding over this period. More funding for care provided through Medicaid will likely be required, the authors say, to make a significant impact on the opioid epidemic.
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