Eliminating Central Line–Associated Bloodstream Infections: Lessons from Top Hospitals
One of the most common types of health care–associated infections is the central line–associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI), which can result when a central venous catheter is not inserted or maintained properly. About 43,000 CLABSIs occurred in U.S. hospitals in 2009—and nearly one of five infected patients died as a result. <br /><br />A new <a href="/publications/case-study/2011/dec/eliminating-central-line-infections-and-spreading-success-high">synthesis report</a> and case study series offer lessons from hospitals that reported that they did not experience any CLABSIs in their intensive care units in 2009. These lessons include: the importance of following evidence-based protocols to prevent infection; the need for dedicated teams to oversee all central line insertions; the value of participation in statewide, national, or regional CLABSI collaboratives or initiatives; and the necessity for close monitoring of infection rates, giving feedback to staff, and applying internal and external goals. The reports also explore ways these hospitals are spreading prevention techniques to non-ICU units, and strategies for preventing other health care–associated infections. <br /><br />Read the case studies from the four hospitals—<a href="/publications/case-study/2011/dec/bronson-methodist-hospital-reducing-central-line-bloodstream">Bronson Methodist Hospital</a> of Kalamazoo, Mich.; <a href="/publications/case-study/2011/dec/englewood-hospital-and-medical-center-seven-consecutive-quarters">Englewood Hospital and Medical Center</a> of Englewood, N.J.; <a href="/publications/case-study/2011/dec/presbyterian-intercommunity-hospital-five-years-without-central">Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital</a> of Whittier, Calif.; and <a href="/publications/case-study/2011/dec/southern-ohio-medical-center-eliminating-central-line-infections">Southern Ohio Medical Center</a> of Portsmouth, Ohio. You can also view comparative performance data for these and other hospitals on <a href="http://www.whynotthebest.org/reports/view/null/4214" target="_blank">WhyNotTheBest.org</a>. <br />