Enabling Change at Penn Medicine: Case Study of the Center for Health Care Innovation
<p>Health care reforms and market trends are stimulating local health systems to seek better and more cost-efficient ways of meeting their patients’ needs. The Penn Medicine Center for Health Care Innovation—an arm of the University of Pennsylvania Health System—is one organization using rapid, low-cost experiments to explore new approaches to health care delivery.</p><p>A multimedia case study of the innovation center by Commonwealth Fund researchers Martha Hostetter, Sarah Klein, and Douglas McCarthy describes how Penn clinicians partner with designers, developers, and others to create streamlined care models that promote better health outcomes and lower costs—for example by finding convenient and effective ways to enlist new mothers in tracking their blood pressure postpartum. Their approach is shaped by a view that innovation relies on having a ready infrastructure to develop, test, and implement new strategies for delivering care.</p>
<p>This case study is part of ongoing research by The Commonwealth Fund to track how health systems are transforming care delivery, particularly to meet the needs of high-need, high-cost patients and vulnerable populations. Look for more in this series coming soon.</p>