Even with Health Insurance, Many Americans Find It Hard to Pay for Health Care
One of five U.S. adults with health insurance spent 5 percent or more of their income on out-of-pocket health care costs, excluding premiums, over the past year, and one of eight spent 10 percent or more, according to a new Commonwealth Fund survey. The findings are reported in the issue brief <em>Too High a Price: Out-of-Pocket Health Care Costs in the United States.</em><br /><br />
The majority of those responding to the survey—part of a new series tracking how well health insurance plans are protecting their enrollees from high health care costs—had employer-sponsored health insurance. But the sample also included people with Affordable Care Act marketplace plans, individual health insurance, Medicaid, or some other coverage. <br />
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The report notes that as health care premiums rise, many employers and individuals are selecting plans with higher deductibles and copayments to keep premium costs in check. But 43 percent of privately insured people across all income groups whose plans had deductibles reported their deductible was somewhat, very difficult, or impossible to afford. And 46 percent of insured people earning less than about $23,000 a year cited at least one time when they skipped needed health care because of their plan’s copays or coinsurance.<br />
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