The Evolving Role of Private Plans in Medicare

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<p>Private insurance plans have been part of Medicare since the program’s beginning, but their role has grown exponentially in the last two decades. And while they’ve achieved some of the goals policymakers have envisioned for them — to provide additional benefits, offer choice of coverage options, and provide quality care — overall they haven’t been able to reduce Medicare’s costs.</p><p>In a new Commonwealth Fund brief, researchers Yash M. Patel and Stuart Guterman explore the major changes to Medicare private plans over the years and the effects these policies have had on plan participation and enrollment, premiums and cost-sharing, quality of care, and total costs to Medicare.</p>
<p>With projections showing that as many as four in 10 beneficiaries will be enrolled in the Medicare Advantage program by 2027, the authors say that enhanced incentives will be needed to ensure that plans provide high-quality care at lower costs.</p> Learn more