Federal Regulators Release New ACA Enforcement Guidelines
<p>Last month, federal regulators at the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight released guidance on how the Affordable Care Act’s new <a href="/blog/2013/new-guidance-federal-regulators-allow-collaborative-arrangements-aca-enforcement">private insurance market reforms</a>—including guaranteed access to health care coverage and the ban on denying or limiting benefits for people with preexisting health conditions—will be enforced. While states are the primary regulators of insurance, the guidance recognizes that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is responsible for enforcing the reforms in states that lack the authority or ability to do so. </p><p>In a new blog post, Katie Keith, J.D., and Kevin W. Lucia, J.D., of the Georgetown University Center on Health Insurance Reforms describe what the new guidance means for enforcement of some of the law’s most significant reforms. An interactive map, meanwhile, highlights the legislative steps states have taken―or not taken―to enforce the insurance protections. </p>