Five National Health Care Foundations Identify Promising Approaches to Treating Patients with Complex Needs
<p>Five national foundations—The John A. Hartford Foundation, the Peterson Center on Healthcare, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, The SCAN Foundation, and The Commonwealth Fund—have launched a digital resource to help health system leaders and insurers improve care for patients with complex medical and social needs. </p><p>Developed by experts at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, <em>The Playbook: Better Care for People with Complex Needs</em> offers insights about patients with complex needs, examples of successful approaches to care, guidance on making the business case for these models, and information about opportunities for policy and payment reform. </p>
<p>The Playbook is being unveiled today at the inaugural meeting of the National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs, led by Jeffrey Brenner, M.D., of the Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers. The new center is a first-of-its-kind hub designed to convene and develop an emerging field of experts and stakeholders including providers, health and social service systems, researchers, payers, patient and family advocates, and community leaders.</p>
<p>Also released today is a new <a href="/publications/issue-briefs/2016/dec/how-high-need-patients-experience-health-care-united-states">Commonwealth Fund survey</a> of patients with complex medical needs showing these individuals have far more unmet behavioral health and social service challenges than other adults. </p>