The Fund's Child Development and Preventive Care Program Calls for Grant Applications
<p>At this year's end, we want to thank you for your continuing interest in improving the quality of preventive health care for young children and promoting better developmental outcomes. The Commonwealth Fund is committed to ensuring that parents receive the information, education, and support necessary to raise their children, that young children at risk for developmental problems are identified as early as possible, and that families are linked to a system of care services that meets their needs.<br><br>The Fund accepts letters of inquiry regarding grant proposals on a rolling basis for all of its programs. The Child Development and Preventive Care Program welcomes letters of inquiry for projects that:<ul><li>Help establish high standards for preventive and developmental services in primary care for children ages 5 and younger;</li><li>Promote the measurement of care against such standards;</li><li>Provide models and tools for service and professional education that advance high-quality preventive and developmental care;</li><li>Advance the coordination and integration of developmental services between child health care professionals and other community service providers;</li><li>Identify, develop, or support policies that provide incentives for high-quality preventive care.</li></ul><br><br>We wish you a happy and healthy holiday season, and look forward to working with you in the coming year.<br><br><div align="center"><table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"><tr><td align="center" valign="bottom" class="first">Edward Schor<br>Program Director</td><td align="center" valign="bottom" class="first">Melinda Abrams<br>Senior Program Officer</td><td align="center" valign="bottom" class="first">Katherine Shea<br>Program Associate</td></tr></table></div><br>Information on the program for Child Development and Preventive Care is available at <a href="/programs/programs_list.htm?attrib_id=9134">…;. Grant applicants can review descriptions of previous grant awards to learn about the types of projects the program has supported in the past.<br><br>Information about applying for grants from The Commonwealth Fund can be found at:<br><a href="/resources/resources.htm "></a><br><br><st… that</strong> the Fund requests letters of inquiry, preferably using our online form, to initiate the grant application process. Please do not send full proposals until we contact you.</p>