A Future Vision for Well-Child Care
<p>While well-child care is ripe for change, a framework is needed to begin to transform the way preventive and developmental services are delivered. A workshop at the National Initiative on Children's Healthcare Quality (NICHQ) Annual Forum outlined a framework for transformational change that emphasizes new technologies, improved developmental and behavioral screening, team-based care, and tiered reimbursement based on bio-psychosocial risk.<br><bR>If you missed this event or want to review, please watch a new Commonwealth Fund E-Forum available on our <a href="/topics/topics_list.htm?attrib_id=15315">Child Health and Development page</a> under "Hear from the Experts." The E-Forum offers synched slides and audio from a presentation by David A. Berman, M.D., of Stanford University. In the talk, "A Future Vision for Well-Child Care: Re-thinking the "Who, What, and Where' of Preventive and Developmental Services," Dr. Bergman identifies important new trends in well-child care, such as advanced access to care, and describes how pediatricians might redesign their office systems to better address preventive care needs.<br><bR>Also watch <a href="/multimedia/multimedia_show.htm?doc_id=482092">video highlights</a> of a panel discussion from the workshop, featuring: Scott Gee, M.D., Kaiser Permanente - N. California; Ruby Kadota, M.D., Chief of Pediatrics at Kaiser Permanente - Colorado; David Bergman, M.D., Associate Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine, Board Member, NICHQ; Paula Duncan, M.D., VCHIP, University of Vermont College of Medicine; Steve Schoenbaum, M.D., Senior Vice President, The Commonwealth Fund; and Nora Wells, Director of National Programs, Family Voices, Inc.</p>