Graham-Cassidy: Past Estimates of ACA Repeal-and-Replace Effects Provide Insight

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<p>Last week, Sens. Lindsey Graham (R–S.C.) and Bill Cassidy (R–La.) unveiled congressional Republicans’ latest bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). In a new post on <em>To the Point</em>, The Commonwealth Fund’s Sara Collin explains that based on Congressional Budget Office estimates for prior repeal-and-replace bills it is likely that Cassidy-Graham, if enacted, would lead to at least 32 million people losing their health insurance after 2026.  </p><p>The Graham-Cassidy bill, like the earlier Senate and House bills, Collins says, ends the ACA’s coverage expansions in 2020; repeals the individual and employer mandates immediately; creates a waiver program for states that would allow insurers to undermine the law’s consumer protections; and places per capita spending limits on funding for the traditional Medicaid program. Like prior bills, the Medicaid cap would threaten the health care of an additional 65 million people who depend on the program, including the elderly, disabled, children, pregnant women, and very poor adults.</p> Read the post