A Health Care Issue Democrats and Republicans Can Agree On?
<p>While Republicans and Democrats have different priorities when it comes to health care, there apparently is one issue where both sides converge: the importance of reducing health care costs for individuals, employers, and government.</p><p>In the new issue of the <em>American Journal of Public Health, </em>Christina Pagel, David W. Bates, M.D., Don Goldmann, M.D., and Christopher F. Koller report findings from their survey of state legislators, who were asked about a list of 13 health policy goals developed with input from a bipartisan group of policymakers. Republican legislators put reducing costs and limiting the size of government at the top of their list, while Democrats prioritized improving health and equity outcomes as well as reducing costs.</p>
<p>Could tackling high health care costs provide a basis for future bipartisan health reform?</p>