Health Care Opinion Leaders Survey Series Feedback
<p>As we approach the end our first year of Health Care Opinion Leaders Surveys, we would like to solicit your feedback on the survey results and related expert commentaries that we have published.<br><Br>The Fund's opinion leaders panel includes experts in health care delivery, academia and research, and insurance and other health industries, as well as representatives from government agencies and advocacy organizations. This group has so far weighed in on Congress' health priorities, health insurance issues, health care costs, and the future of Medicare and Medicaid.<br><br>To help us provide the information that is most useful to you, please share your opinions about our survey series with us by taking a brief <a href="">online survey.</a><br><br>To view survey results and expert commentaries again, or if you missed them the first time, please <a href="/surveys/surveys.htm">click here.</a></p>