Health Insurance Coverage Opportunities and Obstacles for Hispanics Under the ACA
<p>Hispanics—whose vote is highly valued by both political parties—stand to benefit significantly from the Affordable Care Act (ACA). In a new blog post, The Commonwealth Fund’s Michelle Doty and David Blumenthal, M.D., discuss whether important new health insurance <a href="/blog/2014/coverage-opportunities-and-obstacles-hispanics-under-aca">coverage opportunities for Hispanics</a>—about a third of whom are uninsured—will be realized.</p><p>The number of Hispanics who will gain coverage depends on whether states act to expand Medicaid and whether Hispanics take advantage of new state and federal insurance marketplaces. So far, 26 states and the District of Columbia have decided to expand eligibility for Medicaid, including two states with large Hispanic populations, New York and California.</p>
<p>Yet Florida and Texas, home to an estimated 14 million Hispanics, are among those states that haven’t expanded Medicaid. Moreover, targeted outreach is needed to raise public awareness of the new enrollment options.</p>
<p>Visit <a href="/blog/2014/coverage-opportunities-and-obstacles-hispanics-under-aca">The Commonwealth Fund Blog</a> for the complete post.</p>