Healthy Steps: Resources for Preventive Care
<p>The Commonwealth Fund recently posted on its Web site materials from <a href="/General/General_show.htm?doc_id=246567">Healthy Steps for Young Children,</a> a national initiative developed by pediatrics faculty at the Boston University School of Medicine to improve the quality of preventive health care for infants and toddlers. Established with Fund support, the program addresses the physical, emotional, and intellectual development of children from birth to age 3.<br><br>
As part of our effort to disseminate this material as widely as possible, we're asking partner organizations and other interested parties if they would be willing to help generate interest in Healthy Steps. Among the benefits Healthy Steps provides are authoritative materials for parents and health professionals; many of these materials are available free of charge on our site.<br><br>
We'd very much appreciate it if you would consider helping us disseminate this important resource by including information about it in your newsletters and/or e-mailing your members with the attached promotional alert language.<br><br>
Please feel free to contact us if you have any other questions or if we can be of assistance.<br><br>
Best regards,<br>
Ed Schor, M.D.<br>
Vice President<br>
Child Development and Preventive Care program<br>
The Commonwealth Fund<br>
E-mail: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><br><br>
<strong>Promotional Language</strong><br><br>
Dear Colleague:<br><br>
On behalf of The Commonwealth Fund, a partner organization, we wanted to alert you to a new online resource, <a href="/General/General_show.htm?doc_id=246567">Healthy Steps for Young Children.</a> Developed by the pediatrics faculty at the Boston University School of Medicine with Commonwealth Fund support, the program addresses the physical, emotional, and intellectual development of children from birth to age 3.<br><br>
Among the benefits Healthy Steps provides are authoritative materials for parents and health professionals to promote child development and enhance well-child care. The materials offered free of charge on the Fund Web site include:<br><br>
<LI>LINK Letters, which prepare parents for well-child visits and provide child-rearing advice. <br> <br>
<LI>Parent Prompt sheets, which provide guidance on critical developmental issues so parents are "prompted" to ask the right question at well-child visits.<br><br>
<LI>Parent Handouts, which cover a wide range of medical, developmental, and practical issues, from baby-proofing the home to coping with toddlers' fears.<br><br>
<LI>Quick Check Sheets, which provide guidance to clinicians on developmental and behavioral issues.</UL><br><br>
Additional materials, including information for physician practices interested in becoming participating Healthy Steps sites, are available at <a href=""></a></p>