How a Digital Health Advisor Could Help High-Need, High-Cost Patients and Their Caregivers

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<p>Last spring, Commonwealth Fund researchers outlined a vision for a digital health advisor (DHA)—an integrated suite of digital services that would provide consumers with health-related answers, connect them with care providers, and empower them to achieve their personal health goals. They also outlined the barriers to developing a DHA, including the cultural gaps separating health care providers, programmers and app designers, and the public.</p><p>In a new <em>To the Point</em> post, The Commonwealth Fund’s Arnav Shah, Lovisa Gustafsson, Onil Bhattacharyya, M.D., and Eric C. Schneider, M.D., discuss an effort that begins to address these gaps. A DHA prototype called Sage, developed with cofunding from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, demonstrates how such a tool might be organized and what functionality it might offer.</p> Read the post