How We Deliver and Pay for Care Needs to Be Part of Both Parties’ Health Reform Plans in 2020


Efforts to improve how the U.S. delivers and pays for health care can and should be incorporated into the health reform plans of Democrats and Republicans alike, say the authors of the latest report in the Commonwealth Fund series Getting Ready for Health Reform 2020.

Meena Seshamani of the Georgetown University School of Medicine and Aditi P. Sen of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health evaluate options for integrating care delivery and payment reforms into each party’s health reform proposals, whether they’re centered on state block grants or a public plan approach. The authors identify three principles critical to driving value in health care: information sharing and infrastructure; the flexibility to innovate; and the alignment and stability of reform efforts.

Seshamani and Sen believe that with concerns about health care and health costs growing, “we have a window of opportunity to not only address existing limitations but to break new ground in health system performance improvement.”

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