The Implications of Selling Health Insurance Across State Lines: Commonwealth Fund Resources
<p>In the wake of the most recent failed Affordable Care Act (ACA) repeal bill, the Trump administration may issue an executive order allowing people across states to purchase health plans that are not subject to the ACA's consumer protections or state regulations. This could encourage the sale of bare-bones catastrophic plans, lead to coverage losses, and increase the risk of fraud.</p><p>Several Commonwealth Fund resources examine the ways that such a change could affect the individual and small-group insurance markets and consumers, including:
<li><a href="/blog/2017/house-proposal-promote-association-health-plans-poses-risks-insurance-markets-consumers">House Proposal to Promote Association Health Plans Poses Risks for Insurance Markets, Consumers</a></li>
<li><a href="/blog/2017/selling-health-insurance-across-state-lines-unlikely-lower-costs-or-improve-choice">Selling Health Insurance Across State Lines Is Unlikely to Lower Costs or Improve Choice</a> </li>
<li><a href="/publications/explainer/2017/apr/essential-facts-about-health-reform-alternatives-allowing-insurance">Essential Facts About Health Reform Alternatives: Allowing Insurance Sales Across State Lines</a> </li>
<li><a href="/publications/issue-briefs/2003/aug/health-insurance-scams-how-government-responding-and-what">Health Insurance Scams: How Government Is Responding and What Further Steps Are Needed</a></li>